:: 披集府銮菩银 - Luang Phor Ngern Wat Bangklan BE2450-2460 หลวงพ่อเงิน วัดบางคลาน พิมพ์นิยม พิมพ์ขี้ตา     โดย พร  บางระจัน  








รูปหล่อหลวงพ่อเงินบางคลาน พิมพ์นิยม phra lp ngern statue wat bangklan antique talisman old thai buddha amulet 銮菩银 财佛, 鑾菩銀 大師 รูปหล่อหลวงพ่อเงินบางคลาน พิมพ์นิยม phra lp ngern statue wat bangklan antique talisman old thai buddha amulet 銮菩银 财佛, 鑾菩銀 大師 รูปหล่อหลวงพ่อเงินบางคลาน พิมพ์นิยม phra lp ngern statue wat bangklan antique talisman old thai buddha amulet 銮菩银 财佛, 鑾菩銀 大師

หลวงพ่อเงิน พิมพ์​ขี้ตา4ชาย

รหัสสินค้า: 000071

ราคา: ฿10,000,000.00

รายละเอียด:หลวงพ่อเงิน พิมพ์​ขี้ตา4ชาย

  • รูปหล่อพิมพ์นิยม หลวงพ่อเงิน วัดบางคลาน ได้รับความนิยมสูงสุดเพราะจำนวนพระมีน้อยและหายากกว่าพิมพ์ขี้ตา โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งโครงสร้างพิมพ์สวยงามกว่าพิมพ์ขี้ตา องค์พระจะอวบอิ่ม พิมพ์นิยมเป็นพระเทหล่อแบบช่อโดยต่อสายนำน้ำโลหะเข้าทางใต้ฐาน เมื่อโลหะเย็นตัวลงจึงตัดก้านชนวนใต้ฐานจึงมีรอยแต่งตะไบทุกองค์และในส่วนที่สำคัญ เช่น หน้าผาก โหนกแก้มจะมีความนูนอย่างชัดเจน ริ้วจีวรจะคมชัดอ่อนช้อย เนื้อโลหะซึ่งอายุ 100 ปีขึ้นจะมีประกายสุกสว่างไม่ซีดหม่นและผิวพระจะปรากฏรูพรุนคล้ายตามดละเอียด

Luang Phor NGERN of Wat BangKlan  PIM KITA 4 CHAI        

 PRODUCT: 000071                                                                                               PRICE: ฿10,000,000.00                                               

whats app:0933361995

INTRODUCT:Luang Phor Ngern – Wat Bang Klan, Pichit
Posted in Phra Luangpu Ngen, Thai Buddhist famous amulet with tags 銮菩银 财佛, 鑾菩銀 大師, Luang Phor Ngren, Pichit, Thai famous amulet, Thai Famous Monks amulet, Wat Bang Klan, 披集府、越勉亢 披集府、越勉亢 – 财佛、銮菩银 在泰國民 眾心目中,極有名的 招財神僧,只要信奉他,就會與 貧窮畫上句號,遠離貧窮走向財富,師傅 用畢生心力只製造一次佛牌,為 鑾菩銀 立尊法相 ( 俗稱泰國財佛 ),全數大概 5000多尊,共四個不同模形,利用一些 “ 古老鎖匙 ” 及多種金屬溶化,這批佛牌亦被称 為全泰從古至今招財最靈驗佛牌聖物,泰國很多富商巨賈身上,都佩帶一尊,連亞洲的富商 前泰国首相達信,據稱亦佩帶此牌。 故举凡拥有之人日后必非富则貴,財源不絕,而師傅親手督造的真品佛牌,現在最便宜版本 大概都上百萬泰幣 …高僧龍婆艮,素有(財佛)之美稱 他在泰國民眾心目中,是位列在前的知名高僧其中之一 由於高僧龍普艮所督制的自身法像與信眾結緣後 除了出現擋災避險的神蹟外 竟然讓許多配戴此自身像的信眾 生意變好、金錢累積快速、生活大大改善 後來就變成泰國信眾心中的財佛 因此現在泰國民眾都知道信奉他,就會得到富有及財運的高僧 他籌建寺廟,他將做牌所結緣來的款項,用來蓋寺廟 蓋涼亭、蓋房屋給百姓居住,他什麼都親力親為 他以擅長的民俗療法為百姓治病,有時候以藥方、有時候以聖水 為百姓治療,不分貧富貴賤;他的治療書,現在還收藏在寺廟中呢! 他是一個禪坐修法的知名高僧,許多人都來向他學習 師傅於佛歷2353年(公元1810年)有紀錄是9月16日出生 也有紀錄是10月16日,出生於(匹吉省)的芒刊村 三歲與叔叔居住在曼谷,就讀於瓦帢那聳康的寺廟學校 就讀至12歲,就成為了一名小和尚 過了一段時日後 即成為了至許多寺廟修行的和尚 在瓦芒刊代寺修行了一年 離開此寺之後,就在一個鄉下地方的河邊,收集了一些竹子 自己搭了一個簡單的竹屋就在竹屋裡面修行 某一日 龍婆艮將一枝菩提樹枝插在河邊,說道: 「若此地未來會發展 就讓菩提樹枝在此開枝散葉」 沒想到之後真的成了大樹 過沒多久,那附近蓋了一間寺廟,叫(瓦汪答勾) 這是在佛歷2377年,由龍婆艮而建立的,這間寺廟平日 常常有許多民眾到寺內聽經、向龍婆艮結緣佛牌來隨身 也請龍婆幫忙治療一些病痛,民眾稱他是最會禪坐修法的高僧 所以龍婆艮在匹吉省是一位非常知名的高僧 後來移居到(瓦答摳)這間寺廟,也讓這間寺廟成為了名寺 龍婆艮修得的高深法力是百姓眾所皆知的,他甚至可預知未來 可以預知哪位百姓要來找他,高僧替百姓治療疾病也有許多奇蹟 曾經有很過份的鐵齒民眾​​,為了故意要試龍婆艮的法力, 大膽到甚至向龍婆艮開槍射擊,龍婆艮並未閃躲射出的子彈 但子彈竟無法傷到龍婆艮,此舉更讓龍婆聲名大噪、無人不曉 從此之後,許多百姓、官員,甚至是皇室貴族,都去拜他為師 圖中為2460 小鋤頭 沙瑪公大賽 第二名、第四名 招財、收藏、第一首選


Biography of Lp Ngern Buddhachote, Wat Blang Klang, Pichit province

Luang Phor Ngern was born in B.E.2351 (AD 1808) at Bangklan in Pichit Province, Thailand. His given name “Ngern” in Thai could be translated into the meaning Money or Silver. Both meanings represent Wealth to the householder. When he was a baby his parents does not have any financial hardship but rather enjoyed a rather easy life with him around.

We strongly believe that Luang Phor Ngern had attained Arahantship with special Abinna telepathy that was developed thorough his meditation practices with accordance to the way Buddha had prescribed. In those days there are no telephones nor mobile phones like today’s modern world. Highly attained monks could communicate with each other from remote distances with this special telepathy ability.

At a tender age of 12, he became a student of Luang Pu Suk at Wat Pak Klong Makamtao. History also stated that his education began at Wat TongPu (today known as Wat Chanasongkram) in Bangkok where he was ordained at the age of 20.

When Luang Phor Ngern reached the age of 25, he decided to return to his village at Bangklan, Pichit Province. He stayed at Wat Kongkaram in Pijit Province where he also spent some time in practicing Tudong. But he found the atmosphere is not conducive for his practice. Before leaving he prayed the Principal Buddha and took along three Bodhi leaves sapling from the temple’s main entrance. It was during that time that he visited Wangtago village where he planted the three Bhoti tree saplings. Whilst in prayer he promised to construct a temple on that spot should the saplings mature. The rest was history - Wat Bangklan was built. The official name for this temple is Wat Hirunyaram.

During that period The Venerable Somdej Buddhachan Toh was still alive and Luang Phor Ngern had visited Wat Rakang in many occasions to pay respect and further develop his understanding in Buddhism apart from learning magical sciences. That's why the efficacy of Luang Phor Ngern's metal composite amulets are equivalently sacred as Somdej Toh's herb based amulets.

One of Luang Phor’s famous trademark is making holy water that is very well known to Pichit’s village folks during the height of his popularity. One day a Chinese businessman came to seek Luang Phor Ngern to make sacred holy water to take home for drinking and bathing for good luck purposes and increase prosperity through his business dealings. Without any hesitation, Luang Phor Ngern lighted up a candle stick and had a long conversation with that man. The man felt as though the casual conversation had taken too long and he asked “When can Luang Phor finish making the holy water?”. Luang Phor Ngern then replied him “It is already done”.

The man raised his doubt and feeling let down because he didn’t witness Luang Phor Ngern chanting or do anything except having a long conversation. With a distraught mind, the Chinese man took the container filled with the supposedly holy water and left. Upon reaching the temple gate nearby the river bank, the man tried to pour away the water from the container. No matter how much water he tried to empty from the container, the holy water don’t seem to stop flowing out from his opened container. This is just one of the many stories associated with this old time miraculous Buddhist monk..

In the year B.E. 2452 at Nakhon Phatom Province the then Supreme Patriarch Somdej Phra SangKaarat (Kay) of Wat Bowon Niwet issued an invitation to all temples in every provinces to send representative monks with high Wittayaakom (magic) and Palangjit (mental power) to participate in an exchange of knowledge. There would be a test of Ultra Dhamma. The response was overwhelming as hundreds of monks from different provinces attended this knowledge exchange event that was held at Wat Phra Pathom Chedi, Nakhon Pathom for a period of 3 days and 3 nights.

The monks had to use their mental power to move a carpenter's wood plank from a starting point to a designated point and then back to the start. In this test, many monks were able to move the carpenter's wood plank to a designated point. However, most of the monks failed to move it back to the starting point. Only 10 great monks passed the test.

LP Klan of Wat Phayatigaram, Ayuttaya, 1st Place
LP Boon of Wat KangBanKeow, Nakon Phatom, 2nd Place
LP Suk of Wat Makham Tao, Chinat, 3rd Place
LP Yaim of Wat Nang, Bangkok, 4th Place
LP Ngern of Wat Bangklan, Phicit, 5th Place
LP Taa of Wat Paniangdtaek, Nakhon Phatom, 6th Place
LP Tong of Wat KaoGaBotWaaSee, Nakon Sawan, 7th Place
LP Pan of Wat Banghia, Samut Phrakam, 8th Place
LP Yim of Wat Nongbua, Khachanaburi, 9th Place
LP Jon of Wat Don-Ruap, Chumpon, 10th Place

The miraculous power of Luang Phor Ngern was widely known to folks throughout the Chao Phaya River from providing assistance to those in need and constructing many Buddhist structures. Luang Phor Ngern had dedicated his entire lifetime into Buddhism and lived until a ripe old age of 111 years. Luang Phor Ngern passed away on September 20, B.E.2462 (AD 1919).

Luang Phor Ngern’s small cast statue “Roop Lor" or "Loi Ong” and “Rian Phim Jop” are particularly popular although he had made many types of talismans during his lifetime. This cast statue possessed broad spiritual values with respect to increasing charms and loving kindness, promoting prosperity and luck, escaping from dangers and enhancing one’s safety - weapon proof included.

Roop Lor in particular is the favorite among Thai businessmen because it is believed that Luang Phor Ngern's small but wonderful figurine could increase the financial ability and business success of the beholder over time. Likewise, for protection against dangers it has been proven throughout the millennium that it is comparable to Somdej Wat Rakang's votive tablets.

Lp Ngern's Amulets

Luang Phor Ngern created many amulets during his lifetime. Two of which made him very famous indeed, and are instantly recognizable by almost every amulet collector are Roop Lor “Loi Ong” and Rian “Phim Jop” (triangular shape). The most widely known Roop Lor figurines is dated to B.E.2460 that are kept in temple Kru (chedi).



Address:LUANG PHOR NGERN Buddhachote, Wat Blang Klang, Pichit province  Thailand
 Tel: 66-081-7842076,66-093-3361995  whatapp:0933361995
Mobile : 66-093-3361995   e-mail:amuletcenter@hotmail.com
พระเครื่องหลวงพ่อเงิน วัดบางคลาน โดย พร บางระจัน:
236/2 หมู่ 5 ,ถนน เชียงใหม่ ลำพูน ,ตำบลยางเนิ้ง,อำเภิสารภี จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ 50140
Tel: 66-081-7842076,66-093-3361995  whatapp:0933361995
Mobile : 66-093-3361995   e-mail:amuletcenter@hotmail.com
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